

Game Strategy:

  • Be able to read our team's custom Signal Sleeve and park in the right zone. Worth 20 points.
  • Score a cone in the Terminal. Worth 2 points once teleop begins

How We Did It:

  • At first, we tried using a vision library called EasyOpenCV to detect three colors (Red, Green and Purple) on our custom signal sleeve using HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) detection with a webcam.
  • Unfortunately, our robot had trouble identifying these colors under different lighting conditions. While it worked most of the time, we wanted something more reliable
  • We decided to switch to AprilTags. AprilTags are like QR codes that can be read by EasyOpenCV using a webcam. Since these are black and white, the robot can detect them more consistently across different lighting conditions.
  • We use a motion library called Road Runner to score the preloaded cone in the Terminal and precisely park in the correct zone using the robot's motor encoders to control the robot's position on the field

Driver-Controlled Period

Game Strategy:

  • Score cones on a variety of low, mid, and high junctions
  • Communicate with our alliance partners to make the best use of both of our robots
  • Complete a circuit with our alliance partner

End Game

Game Strategy:

  • Complete and protect our circuit for the 20-point bonus
  • Use our Team Beacon to lock a junction and score 10 points
  • Park in the terminal if there's time and there's not a higher-scoring objective we can finish

Lessons Learned:

  • Sometimes the best thing to do when one approach doesn't work is to try a completely different one. Switching HSV color detection for AprilTags when we couldn't get consistent color detection was the right answer

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